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White, registered in 1983; 7.8 ha; 0.05 % of the vineyard plantings

Aurélius was developed by Josef veverka and František Zatloukal in the Vine Research Centre in Perná in 1953. Parenting grape varieties are well known in Central Europe - Neuburské and Ryzlink rýnský (Neuburger x Rheinriesling). 

Quality akostné odrodové víno is produced, occasionaly dry style of kabinetné (Kabinett) and more usual neskorý zber (late harvest) or výber z hrozna (grapes selection) - both often haveing higher content of residual sugar - polosuché and polosladké (medium dry to medium), but might be suché (dry) as well. Bobuľový výber (choice of berries) is often made as polosladké or sladké (medium or sweet), as well as  more rare hrozienkový výber (choice of sultanas) . 

Very dry locations are very suitable for this grape variety since it is quite prone to grey rot. Variety is medium late ripening and the yields are regular and good, often with higher levels of sugar content, what predicts it for the production of quality wines with attributes.  

Wines are yellow colour with green tones, aromas are evoking Riesling, but they are usually more intensive and exotic. Taste is robust and bit spicy.